Entries by Tony Wilson (112)


ERA - Annual Conference on Combating Corruption in the EU, Trier: 10th-11th February 2011

The ERA conference 'Annual Forum on Combating Corruption in the EU 2011: How Best to Ensure the Protection of Whistleblowers' will be held in Trier, Germany, on 10-11 February 2011. 

This fifth Annual Forum on Combating Corruption in the EU, co-financed by OLAF, will gather approximately one hundred lawyers to debate how best to ensure effective protection of whistleblowers, victims and witnesses.

Dr Mike Levi is the ECLA UK representative for this event, but other members are always welcome to go at their own expense (a registration form is available).

For further information please refer to the conference programme.


ECLA AGM: 17th March

The AGM of the European Criminal Law Association will be held at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, following the lecture on 17th March.


ECLA events @ IALS: 17th March

A lecture by Professor J.R. Spencer, QC, on EU Criminal Law and the European Union Bill, will be held on Thursday 17th March at 5.00pm.

Venue: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

This evening seminar is free. Those wishing to attend must book in advance. To register, RSVP to: Belinda Crothers, IALS, Email: IALS.Events@sas.ac.uk.


ECLA events @ IALS: 8th February

A seminar discussion with Sir Scott Baker (Chairman of the Extradition Review Panel) on the Extradition Review, will be held on Tuesday 8th February at 5.00pm.

Venue: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR

This evening seminar is free. Those wishing to attend must book in advance. To register, RSVP to: Belinda Crothers, IALS, Email: IALS.Events@sas.ac.uk.


Resources from 7th October Seminar

The slides entitled 'The uneasy interface: leniency, disclosure and rights of defence in criminal and administrative anti-cartel enforcement' are now available in the 'Documents' section.

The speech given by Keith McCarthy of the Serious Fraud Office is also available on the SFO website.



Two recent items of news that may be of interest to ECLA members

First, on 25th October the Government announced that it has decided to “opt in” to the negotiations for the creation of an EU Directive guaranteeing criminal defendants certain minimum rights to information. (See the Ministry of Justice news release of that date, entitled “New Rights to Protect Britons Abroad”.

Secondly, on November 11th the Government introduced its European Union Bill. Designed to placate those who were disgruntled that the previous Government signed the UK up to the Lisbon Treaty without a referendum, this is designed to make further “transfers of sovereignty to Brussels” exceptionally difficult. The mechanism is to provide that the UK cannot accede to various possible future measures without a national referendum. Foremost among the measures thereby put beyond the range of political possibility (assuming it was ever within it!) is participation in the European Public Prosecutor.